Linden Park School
School in Burnside
Primary, 14 Hay Rd. Linden Park. Burnside, SA, 5065.Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Linden Park School
The school continues to maintain distinguished academic and co curricular results that drive unprecedented demand for the school from overseas and Australia wide. We trust that a child’s thirst for lifelong learning begins in the premature years of schooling through the fostering of an inquiring mind, a definite attitude, confidence, resilience and a growth mindset. Our students engage in inquiry learning processes as active global citizens. This is the essence of their engagement in our international education programmed that sustain resist and rigor. The school’s core values of Respect, Responsibility, Creativity and Diversity underpin the decisions and actions that impact on the education and healthy being of our students. This develops learners who enjoy diversity and are resilient, innovative, collaborative, curious, original and are committed to making a difference through their actions. We are a high performing school that sets a benchmark in education. Supported by a dedicated and committed leadership team, particular teachers and encourage staff and an engaged and professional governing council, Linden Park works largely autonomously, focusing its decision making around the needs of its students and their preparation for high school and life. At the heart of our school is an engaged, caring and collaborative community committed to supporting excellence and innovation through volunteering, community building, fund raising, upgrading the site, out of school activities and learning support. We acknowledge that we are meeting on the conventional land of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains. We admit Kaurna Elders both previous and give and any Aboriginal people give today. We also recognize and respect the cultural and heritage beliefs and relationships the Kaurna people have with the land and recognize that this relationship is tranquil significant for Kaurna people living today.
I have worked in public education in South Australia for 34 years and worked as a principal for the final 20 years, 9 years at The Pines Primary School and the last 11 years at Giles Street Primary School. Our teaching and learning programs are committed to students becoming active, compassionate and lifelong learners. We have many initiatives in deposit at Linden Park Primary School to aid urge student well being. In all class Music lessons, students have access to a range of classroom percussion instruments. We are fortunate that Linden Park Primary School has an outstanding range of cultural diversity. Classroom teacher and Wald teacher discussions. The Wald programmed provides enrichment in language development across the curriculum and supports children to be hopeful and suited speakers, readers and writers of English. As well as exploring scientific concepts within their units of inquiry, students in Year 3 to Year 7 access Science lessons with our specialist teacher to further prosper their scientific investigations across the Australian Curriculum. They encourage teachers and students in their units of inquiry and promote teach the skills of lifelong reading and information literacy. Encourage the value of reading for pleasure and the thankfulness and enjoyment of literature. We trust in providing quality protection where educators foster well being through polite and reciprocal relationships with all children. As educators we nurture the individuality and diversity of the children in our multicultural community. Linden Park Primary School is lucky to have the promote of many parents in volunteering their time to urge their children while enrolled at the school. Opportunities to be involved include providing classroom reading urge for teachers in the Early Years, accompanying students on excursions, coaching sports teams, volunteering in the Uniform Shop, covering books in the library and helping out at fund raising events. Sports coaches who are not parents guardians of a child in the team. Our students are proud to be piece of the Linden Park Primary School community. The school supports Out of School Hours sporting activities to help in achieving the above objective. We hope that for students, being part of a school sporting team will: The smooth of competition should be good to the age and stage of d
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